女友達ドライブ 羞恥おしっこ漏らし
シリーズ :
ジャンル : 素人 隠撮 車内 小便 おもらし 4Mbps
収録時間 :
ビットレート : 4000 kbps
価格 : 8,745 円
配信開始日 : 2024/04/25
DVD発売日 : 2024/05/08
収録時間 : 196 分
月額視聴 : –
視聴制限 : –
VR動画 : –
商品番号 : DLEE-769
お気に入り数 : 5
関連 スカトロ動画
- 合宿移動車 女学生パニックお漏らし
The characteristics of the Japanese, such as coordination and solidarity, are a virtue that is proud of the world. But they all shared their urination. The transmission phenomenon called "get 〇〇" changes depending on the situation that occurs. Above all, the sole inside the car is the worst and quickly shouting. Desperately resisting the sighs coming from others' patience and the urinary sound that hits the floor and the urethral sphincter is loosened. I do not know that the shame that flows out, the training camp movement car and the pee stop. [JADE Germany,ja […]
- Highway渋滞 女学生車内お漏らし
An official car running at high speeds to the venue of exams and presentations held outside the school. In order to send students to the destination on time, the handle that the teacher grasps is powerful. high speed,ja,highway,ja(ハイウェイ)Students start to get off for a while and traffic congestion on the road for a while. The moisture that was taken too much for the purpose of relieving tension became an enemy. Because of being young, urine is generated and stocked into the bladder. The speed exceeds the legal speed. The desperate patience is empty, and the pee overflows from the urethra is like a runaway car,ja […]
- 膀胱決壊!エリート就活生面接中失態お漏らし
高学歴が故お高い態度のエリート就活女子。意気揚々と受け答え、得意げな面持ちだが膀胱は人並み。生理現象である尿意に抗うことは中々難しく、気品も次第に落ちてくる。学力では決して補えない窮地に立たされてしまったエリート女子達。懸命を尽した我慢も敢えなく崩壊し、おしっこがリクルートスーツを越えドバドバと激しく流れ落ちる。とんでもない過ちに打ちひしがれたり、必死な言い訳でごまかそうとしたり、あまつさえ漏らしてないなどと開き直る者さえ居る。大 […]
- 目撃盗撮 可愛いあの子がびっしょりに… 屈辱羞恥の大量尿お漏らし
目撃盗撮 可愛いあの子がびっしょりに… […]
- 隠撮 新入社員のギョッとする人前お漏らし
Innocent new employees who have just become members of society. I feel urged to urinate in the tension of going to work for the first time and in an unfamiliar environment. They couldn't tell right or left that they wanted to go to the bathroom, and they had to put up with pee such as greetings and welcome parties. They told themselves that they couldn't leak it here, but their swollen bladder finally reached the limit of their patience! The overflowing urine soaks into the clothes with wrinkles, gradually becoming unstoppable, and eventually sprinkling urine vigorously in front of a large number of people.,ja […]
- 盗撮 意地悪な面接官の膀胱圧迫お漏らし! 面接会場の悲劇…
様々な企業で行われている圧迫面接。これは日々高圧的な態度で面接を行っていく女性面接官達の失態を盗撮したものである。最初は些細な尿意を感じながらも面接を続けていく彼女達。いつものようにわざと意地悪な内容の質問や威圧的な反論をし、対する応答や対応を確認していく。次第に尿意は加速していき、股間に力をいれ足をくねらせる。我慢の限界を迎え、気丈な態度をとりながらも股間にはジワジワと尿染みが広がっていき、やがて床にも広がっていく。急いで面接を […]